What is the role of the emergency switch button?

Life is like a table lamp, safety is its switch, when safety is turned on, life will bloom its light, but if safety is discarded, life is at stake. With a single touch of the switch, you can bring people to the two realms of darkness or light, but this lamp switch is in our own hands, and it is up to us to turn it on and off.

In our daily work, the first rule of sop is to check whether the protective cover is complete and whether the emergency stop switch is effective before starting the machine.

What is Emergency door switch ?

Emergency switch is a commonly used control electrical component, which is often used to turn on or off the ‘control circuit’ (where the current is very small), so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the operation of a motor or other electrical equipment.

Emergency switch can also be called: emergency stop switch. As the name implies, the emergency stop switch is a measure that people can achieve by quickly pressing the switch button to avoid mechanical accidents or personal accidents when an emergency occurs. This button can be quickly stopped by pressing down directly. To start the device again, the button must be released, that is, just turn it clockwise about 45° and release it, and the pressed part will pop up, that is, “release”.

emergency door switch button

The role of emergency switch:

In the workshop, any rotating parts that can directly or indirectly cause harm to the human body must be equipped with protective measures, and the emergency stop button is one of them. Some might say, wouldn’t it be better for us to go and turn off the main switch? It doesn’t matter in such a short time. But I want to tell you that there is a difference. The emergency stop switch is generally close in distance, and the total switch distance is far away. When a danger requires emergency stop, no matter how short the time, even milliseconds or even microseconds, is very important. . You know, the accident happened in a very short period of time. You can think about it, in such a short period of time, if the machine is not stopped immediately, it may cause major machine damage or personal casualty accidents, but using the emergency stop switch will stop the machine or shorten the time for personal injury to avoid this. everything happens.

Due to the long-term operation of the machine, the circuit, especially the emergency stop circuit, may cause a faulty circuit breaker. If there is an emergency, it will be too late to find out when the emergency stop switch needs to be used immediately. Therefore, we must always check whether the switch is effective. If there is a problem, we must deal with it immediately before starting the machine.

Reminder: You can find thousands of reasons to pay attention to safety production, but you can’t find one reason to despise safety production. Even if it is a small emergency stop switch, we must pay attention to it and make it a safety switch for life.